Codeigniter basic structure to set Frontend and Backend | 2my4edge

14 April 2015

Codeigniter basic structure to set Frontend and Backend

CodeIgniter is an open source rapid development web application framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP. CodeIgniter is loosely based on the popular Model-View-Controller development pattern. While controller classes are a necessary part of development under CodeIgniter, models and views are optional. latest stable version 3.0.0 was released March 31, 2015. here im going to tell you a simple method the set admin panel view and user view by using Codeigner.

codeigniter basic structure setting
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There are some other methods also there to set admin panel and user panel, here i'm going to tell you one of the simple method to make it. First thing we have to download Codeigniter. here im using codeigniter 3.0.0 version. you can download from this link. and extract that file that contains 7 files within it. Copy that 7 files and put it in xampp or wamp local server. and create one more folder in the same folder with a name for admin. the structure should be like the below image.

codeigniter basic structure admin panel

CODE-SAMPLE is main folder for site. We have to create admin folder, inside that admin folder. we have to keep 7 files, that what downloaded as codeigniter. and outside the same files. like the above image.
in application folder --> config file
We have set path for both admin folder config file and main folder config file. Similarly we have set data base in database file. in upcoming posts i'll explain something brief about codeigniter.  
If any other technique is there to set codeigniter backend adminpanel and frontend userview please comment below to help others. and if yoiu have any queries comment below.

I hope this post is really helpful to all codeigniter beginner. thanks for your attention. keep in touch with us for more updates.


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